The impacts of trauma, violence, and addiction on human life are far reaching. This new resource begins to unpack two of the pivotal moves for changing course identified in the Springboard.
- Transform the mental health workforce
- Change delivery of mental health care
Reconceptualize the Workforce
Now is the time to solve the growing behavioral health needs in our country.
This resource focuses on laying out the proposed framework and policy considerations that can reconceptualize workforce to enhance the overall capacity of our clinics and our communities in addressing mental health. Central to any meaningful redesign of the health care is a discussion of our workforce. Who is doing what, to whom, where, and at what cost?
This goal of this paper is to provide a framework for the mental health and addiction workforce in the United States. It proposes three shifts that need to take place at the clinical, community, and individual levels to adopt the proposed framework and achieve our goal of population health.
Authors: Benjamin F. Miller, Psy.D., Anita Burgos, Ph.D.
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