In a country as vast and diverse as the US, progress requires working through a mosaic of cultures, corporate climates, big bureaucracies, and local circumstances. As stewards, we must always reach across boundaries to form relationships and combine spheres of influence.
Through it all, we use our differences as a strength, not a liability, to advance well-being and justice in a rapidly changing and fiercely contested world.
We can take action every day to create legacies for living together.
Each vital condition page introduces a core concept of the Thriving Together framework, elevates the voices of stewards working in communities and organizations across the country, and highlights actionable, solution-oriented resources.
Vital conditions pages are organized in the following sections:

We share the decisions of previous generations in order to understand how the past shapes our present.

We showcase how stewards are working together to support thriving people and places.

We highlight decisive actions that could begin now and change the course of community life relatively quickly.
Vital Conditions for Well-Being and Justice
Learn more by exploring each vital condition.
Selected Topics for Well-Being and Justice
Learn more by exploring each selected topic.
Shared Wisdom: Voices of Transformation
Discover how stewards from communities across the country are working together to expand the vital conditions we all need to thrive.
Listen to voices from our growing collection.